Thursday, June 16, 2011

Checking it Twice

So, your life has been turned upside down and you are not sure how to get it back shiny side up: enter, friend of a friend that is need of a carptenter in Haiti.....I got skills. One week later I have had my shots, renewed my passport, paid my bills, fixed the cat, closed up school, negotiated a successful contract, informed my family (mostly positive reviews), scheduled my ablation for August, postponed trip with Jane (the minute I get back we are gone Jane!!)planted some perennials, canceled the garden project (next year it will be amazing), hugged my kids and got my itinerary.

work clothes for a week (clothes dry very slowly in the tropics)
first aid kit
work gloves
bathroom supplies
One nice outfit, we may go out one time
bathing suit
underwear (lots)
water container
extra protein foods

Things left to do:
get hair cut off (again)
get emergency evacuation insurance
learn French and Creole (ok, maybe not)
get head examined

Next stop Port-au-Prince or PAP as it will now be referred.

1 comment:

kitchensync said...

I cant figure out where I end and you begin.. I know the feeling. Renew and find whatever it is we are looking for and let me know. lv