Saturday, March 8, 2008

Time to Dream and a Time to Work

After the dream how do you decide where to go? When I began having “my dream” I knew the population I wanted to work with; children and women affected by AIDS. I also knew that I wanted to work within a setting where I could have some autonomy in what I taught and how I taught. The last criterion I operated from was I did not want to go with a “tourist/volunteer organization. After looking into several of them it appeared to be less about the people you were there to help and more about making money from the Americans/Europeans that they could get to sign onto the tour. I wanted to become part of the place that I was working without it costing me more money than I could truly afford. Safety was an overarching theme as well so I didn’t even explore opportunities in some countries; I’ll save that for the young ones.
I found this amazing site called and began my search. This site has a wealth of information on all types of places and organizations that are making a difference in this world in which we live. From this website I found Meru Peak School.
I contacted Scott Morgan and within days he had sent me back an excited email and telling me about the school and the people that run it.
I contacted many other schools and orphanages, but it became clear that Meru Peak was going to be the best fit for me.
I have included several websites that help explain and describe Meru Peak School.

Now I needed to figure out when I was going and how was I going to get there…..

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